Become A VOlunteer

West County READS invites you to volunteer

Volunteer to coordinate a book drive

Through your church, service organization, your business, your children’s private schools, etc. Past book drives have been  conducted by Prospect Sierra Middle School, the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, the Richmond Rotary Club, the San Pablo Rotary Club, Chevron,  and other local businesses.  We have a step by step list to help you achieve a successful book drive. To learn more, contact Robin Wilson at

 or  call 510-757-5030.

Volunteer for an event

Past events include Cinco De Mayo in Richmond/San Pablo, Supervisor Gioia’s Hoodie and Book Giveaway at Verde Elementary School, the Richmond Tales Health and Literacy Festival, Family Literacy events, and many other events in various locations throughout the community. Events involve set-up, book distribution, take down and clean up. Volunteers are asked to work a minimum of 2 hours at a time. (average 1-2 per month)

Volunteer to sort books. All books must be sorted by age group before they can be distributed to the community.

Volunteer to help with one of our 16  Take It, Leave It bookshelves. We need volunteers who can deliver books to, and restock our Take It, Leave It book shelves located throughout the community.

Volunteer to pick up and deliver. We need volunteers who can pick up book donations from various locations, including our 4 public book collection bins, and deliver them to the West County READ’s storage facility in Richmond, CA.

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